The Motherlode Spring 2024: Women at the Helm

Spring Cleaning: Decluttering Tips From the Experts

By Jenn Morson

As days get longer and perennials are pushing through the warming earth, it’s safe to say that Spring is just around the corner. And with it comes the urge to organize and clean all the things! But before you start your decluttering journey, here are some tips from expert home organizers in our area to get you started and help you avoid common pitfalls of decluttering and organization. According to Nicole Holtman, Certified Professional Organizer® and owner of Practically Organized, LLC, your car is the best place to start organizing. “Empty it out, give it a vacuum, and take out anything winter-related,” Holtman says. “Then start thinking ahead to warmer weather.” If starting with your car seems overwhelming, Holtman says to pick one drawer. “Remove all the trash, return items to

For professional organizer Judy Kwon of Moonbeam Organizing, setting up systems you know you can continue is essential. “Your organizing needs to match your lifestyle, not be counterintuitive to how you live,” Kwon says. One of Kwon’s expert tips is to get children involved in organizing and cleaning up. “Start them young! Make it a game to organize their things when playtime has ended,”

their correct homes,” she says. “And label as much as possible. Knowing where everything goes can have a huge impact.” Denise Desien started her company, Organizing By Design, to help busy moms who are short on time to organize their living spaces. One of her top tips for her decluttering clients is don’t buy a bunch of overstock. “Less is more! Just because it’s on sale, don’t buy five of them. Keep everything to two,” Design says. “When

she says. There are so many wonderful baskets and containers at Goodwill, and you can bring them home and decorate them.” Kwon also suggests that her clients pass along unused or no longer- needed items. “One of the best things one can do as a human is to donate to others who cannot otherwise afford such items,” she says. “Instill a practice of setting aside what you haven’t worn or used.” Kwon has compiled a list

I’m decluttering, I always suggest putting cleaning supplies in a clear bin so they can see what they have and not buy the same thing over and over.” Desien suggests following the same process for toys. “Make things visible so they are used,” she says.

of donation centers in our area on her business blog and suggests making use of Buy Nothing pages on Facebook. If you’re overwhelmed by spring cleaning and decluttering and feel like you cannot do it alone, these local businesses are ready to help you organize your home.


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