The Motherlode Spring 2024: Women at the Helm

Earth Day 5 Every year, on April 22, Earth Day reminds us that we have the power to bring about positive change for the environment. From teaching children how to recycle and helping busy adults set up composting bins, Earth Day allows us to re-examine our actions as stewards of the environment and commit to lowering our carbon footprint. Making small changes around your home will make a big difference in the long run. We spoke with Tilly Coyle, executive director of Annapolis Green, to learn more about what we can do. By Duffy Perkins

Easy Swaps for

1. Upcycle Your Wardrobe. Roughly 29% of greenhouse gasses in the U.S. are directly related to the production and transport of consumer goods. Limiting what we purchase new is a great way to make a change. “I’m a big fan of the Wee Sale,” says Coyle, who has three sons. “That’s especially good when you have kids who grow out of things quickly.” Other options are second-hand boutiques, online Buy Nothing groups, and sites like Poshmark, ThredUp, or TheRealReal. In our area, check out Memories on Wayberry Consignment (Edgewater), Savvy Consignment (Severna Park), Honeysuckle Quality Consignment (Arnold), All the Rage Vintage (Annapolis), One Petticoat Lane (Annapolis), and Return to Oz (Annapolis). 2. Rethink Your Lawn. By inserting native and climate- appropriate plants in your landscape, you can significantly lower the amount of water necessary to keep your lawn looking lively. Need help finding the right plants? Check out the University of Maryland’s Bay Wise program for more ideas. 3. Consider the Cows. A recent study showed that if the entire planet moved to a plant-based diet, we could reduce greenhouse gasses by 70% by 2050. But you don’t need to go fully vegan to make a difference. Eating 75 grams of beef daily (the equivalent of a hamburger) contributes the same emissions as driving a car 7,196 miles. Swapping legumes for meat for the same amount of time, you’ve only gone 93 miles. It all adds up.

4. Ditch the Pretty Packaging. A recent study showed that only 15% of plastic waste is recycled today. “Go reusable as much as possible,” Coyle says. “Even looking out for companies that are overdoing it on the packaging will make a difference,” says Coyle. Whether purchasing zero-waste alternatives and clean ingredients or making your laundry detergent recipe, you’ll take significant steps to ease your household’s carbon footprint. Around Annapolis, Coyle recommends Cúpla on Maryland Avenue, stocking some great sustainable products for the home and body. At BD Provisions in Severna Park, consumers can bring their containers and purchase food and home products from bulk bins – eliminating waste and allowing customers to get the amount they want. 5. Build a Bee House. Over 90% of American bees are what’s known as “solitary bees,” which means they do not live in hives. Building a bee house will create a home for these bees to rest and nest safely. And above all else, Coyle reminds us that our purchasing power is mighty in creating a cleaner environment. “How you use your consumer dollars matters,” she says. “Many companies are making extra efforts to be more sustainable, which can be expensive. They need our support.” Annapolis Green has a robust community calendar with events celebrating Earth Day (let’s make it a month). Check out their at


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